DELL BOSS card support

I am trying to install RHEL 8.x on a DELL server with a BOSS card.
from DELL support [(Automating Operating System Deployment to Dell BOSS – Techniques for Different Operating Systems | Dell Nederland](https://DELL BOSS FAQ)) I need to have something like that in kickstart :

%include /tmp/bootdisk.cfg

Use DELLBOSS device for OS install if present.

BOSS_DEV=$(find /dev -name “DELLBOSS” -printf %P"\n" |
egrep -v -e part -e scsi| head -1)
if [ -n “$BOSS_DEV” ]; then
echo ignoredisk --only-use="$BOSS_DEV" > /tmp/bootdisk.cfg
and a sample /tmp/bootdisk.cfg that contains the device name of the BOSS device that the installer should use.

cat /tmp/bootdisk.cfg

ignoredisk --only-use=disk/by-id/ata-DELLBOSS_VD_6668c813b78a0010

How can i implement that with foreman ?

You need to integrate the parts into your kickstart template in Foreman.
The templates can be found unter Hosts → Provisioning Templates
I would suggest cloning the “Kickstart default” template and work with that clone.

If you are unfamiliar with kickstart in general, I would suggest RedHat’s Guide on kickstart as well as the kickstart reference (section V in the same documentation) a thorough read.

For help with the Foreman Template system, you can go to the “Help” tab on the Edit page for a template. You should find most information there, either directly or via a link to the docs.
If you still need more help or have more questions on that topic, feel free to reach out :slight_smile:

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