Deploy a centos9 on a baremetal device with foreman


I provisioned a foreman installer. i would like to deploy centos on a bare metal device. please provide a complete setup on foreman ui to build os.



foreman tftp server showing false can you help how to make it true. enabled in setting tftp.yml file as true.

Hey @foreman1

You can use “foreman-installer” to configure networking services. See Configuring network services in Provisioning hosts.


getting client side error while booting from pxe network PXE-E23: client received tftp error from server


enabled true using below
foreman-installer --foreman-proxy-tftp true

its getting enabled but from UI side its showing as “TFTP server as false”

check tftp logs:

# journalctl -u tftp -f
Mai 24 19:26:15 <user> in.tftpd[26138]: Client ::ffff: finished boot/rocky-linux-imLv796i67R9-initrd.img
Mai 24 19:41:00 <user> systemd[1]: tftp.service: Deactivated successfully.
Mai 26 10:16:08 <user> systemd[1]: Started Tftp Server.
Mai 26 10:16:08 <user> in.tftpd[147746]: Client ::ffff: finished pxelinux.0

also check the proxies logs and try to temp. disable your firewall

also check your tftp configuration.
i think the initial install can also log some valuable infos.
but i think the tftp is just misconfigured so proxy wont start that service