Deploy virtual machine with display serer as SPICE and adapet as QXL -OR- where can i store display driver info in foreman

Hi team,

HI I have created a virtual machine with display driver as SPICE and 2 QXL display adapter via libvirt(kvm). i store this vm image in /var/lib/libvirt/images as qcow2 format.

I created a compute profile in foreman and set image path as /var/lib/libvirt/images/xyz.qcow2

Also, set display to spice.

Now, From foreman UI i imported this image to create new virtual host.

After the deployment of new vm from existing qcow2, I checked the hardware settings in virt-manager of new deployed image has been changed.

Display server changed from spice to vnc
2 QXL Adapter changed to 1 Cirrus adapter
2 network card to 1 network card
and other

i don’t know from where foreman took these setting by default…

As far as i know i only give CPU no. storage size , RAM as parameter in compute profile. how can i fix or set spice as display and multiple network card info in compute profile

Kindly help

[ Manish ]