Deploying Foreman without it being the DHCP or DNS server or having direct access

New Job, they want me to setup a bare metal imaging service and I’ve pitched Foreman. They have custom app that runs in front of their DHCP/DNS servers but I can’t have direct access. So I can’t figure out how I’m going to deploy this so that it works?
Expected outcome:
Be able to utilize foreman to install operating systems on physical hosts without being the DHCP/DNS server or being able to update their records.
Foreman and Proxy versions:
latest, haven’t deployed yet
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
Latest, haven’t deployed yet.
Distribution and version:
rocky 8.6
Other relevant data:

You can use Foreman Discovery and boot off the discovery ISO and not have to use DHCP/PXE at all.

So I guess I don’t follow. I assumed that you would still need for Foreman to be the DHCP server to serve up the discovery image?

I guess, looking at section 5.3.2 what we could do here… is remaster our own discovery image to point at our foreman server, and then serve that up as a dhcp option that points at the tftp server on our smart proxy host…?

Hi @Serienmorder

For foreman_discovery, I suggest that you also have a look at Configuring the Discovery service in Provisioning Hosts and maybe even Configuring DNS, DHCP, and TFTP on Foreman server + Configuring Foreman server with external services in Installing Foreman Server.

There’s currently an ongoing effort to replace Foreman Manual with Foreman documentation at “”.

Pelease do you have like a summary/explanation on how I can achieve this?