Develop branch integration tests broken


today I realized two integration tests are broken in develop branch

  • HostJSTest::NIC modal window::adding interfaces.test_0005_selecting domain updates puppetclass parameters
  • HostJSTest::edit page.test_0006_changing host group updates parameters tab

@mmoll found out even two days ago, the regression was caused by

I think other PRs can be merged, these two tests can be ignored for now, though this is a valid failure that needs to be fixed.

I’d like to ask people who are familiar with the patch or anyone who has free cycles, to fix it ASAP. Also please if you review/merge the PR, always check for failing tests and if it’s red on all ruby combinations, please don’t merge unless you really know what’s going on.


My bad, I missed the two broken tests I thought these are random. So far I have this PR opened:

We have long-term randomly failing tests, can we also start skipping them if we can’t figure out what’s wrong with them? I was able to fix seeds failures but the remaining two are tough.

Thanks @lzap, this is now resolved.