Develop tests failing


Currently CI testing on all PRs is failing due to two issues:

  1. Changes to FactoryBot causing a DeprecationException. This is tracked at Refactor #24654: use dynamic attributes for FactoryBot 5.x compatibility - Foreman and there are currently 2 PRs open for fixing it, thanks @mmoll!
  2. Webpack compiling fails. This is tracked at Bug #24657: Webpack fails to build on develop - Foreman - can someone from @ui_ux team take a look at this issue?

These issues are currently completely blocking development as PRs can’t be tested on CI and thus can’t be merged, please address them with highest priority.

The second issue is most likely related to

The second issue has now also been resolved by pinning react-bootstrap module to 0.32.1, as it seems version 0.32.2 included the broken dependency.
Thanks @Ondrej_Prazak for figuring it out and fixing and @mmoll for testing and merging!