DHCP issues when rebuilding machines

The current issue is that when doing a rebuild of a machine, or deleting and recreating the machine, or simply editing its options and saving, I get this error:

and nothing shows up in the logs about omshell.

The minute I delete the reservation manually, then retry that failing action (or create a new machine that has never had a reservation) it works perfectly, including omshell in the logs.

It’s almost as though it’s not even trying to fire omshell when deleting records, but is when creating them.

foreman-proxy has been restarted many times, and this behaviour is consistent across 3 sandboxes.

The issues turned out to be caused my misconfiguration on my behalf. I was using a “network address” of (the IP of my Foreman host). But that is for your network address - that of your network, not that of your host.

Setting it to the proper value (in my case, immediately solved the issues.

Thank you very much @lzap for helping me work this out and solving my issues.

(just to clarify, was using the wrong Network Address setting in my Subnets definition)