DHCP Smart Proxy Plugin development - undefined method merge

At the end of a build unattended access is called and fails

ERF12-4395 [ProxyAPI::ProxyException]: Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for xx.xx.xx.xx ([NoMethodError]: undefined method `merge’ for [“name”, “lpt-hostname-someplace.local”]:Array) for Capsule https://sat6-test.interal.local:9090/dhcp

proxy.log shows success

==> /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log <==
2021-08-25T16:53:12 4bd906cf [D] Building reservation with record: 10.xx.xx.xx
2021-08-25T16:53:12 4bd906cf [I] Finished GET /dhcp/10.xx.xx.xx/ip/10.xx.xx.xx with 200 (752.46 ms)
2021-08-25T16:53:13  [D] close: 10.xx.xx.xx:45186
2021-08-25T16:53:13 ad2b10af [I] Finished POST /unattended/built with 200 (2820.3 ms)

Expected outcome:
unattended/built successful outcome invalidates the token

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman: 2.12 / Satellite6

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version:

Other relevant data:
I found a similar post here:

and updated the code to return the records as specified based on the to_json methods included. I’m curious if this might also cause it to fail

//Output from my smart-proxy calling /dhcp//ip/ and /mac/
“name”: “web-server-38”,
“ip”: “”,
“mac”: “01:23:33:43:12:38”,
“subnet”: “”,
“type”: “reservation”,
“deleteable”: true,
“hostname”: “web-server-38”

Hey, I do not understand. Unattended call returns 200, it was successful. What exactly is wrong?

If this endpoint is unable to expire token, it does not return 200. Can you investigate the database and paste proof that the token was not expired?