Difference 'Kickstart Default' vs 'Katello Kickstart Default"


Why is there such a huge difference between Kickstart Default’ and 'Katello Kickstart Default".
Just looking at the header of ‘Kickstart Default’ it says;

This template accepts the following parameters:

  • lang: string (default=“en_US.UTF-8”)
  • selinux-mode: string (default=“enforcing”)
  • keyboard: string (default=“us”)
  • time-zone: string (default=“UTC”)
  • http-proxy: string (default="")
  • http-proxy-port: string (default="")
  • force-puppet: boolean (default=false)
  • enable-epel: boolean (default=true)
  • enable-puppetlabs-repo: boolean (default=false)
  • enable-puppetlabs-pc1-repo: boolean (default=false)
  • enable-puppetlabs-puppet5-repo: boolean (default=false)
  • salt_master: string (default=undef)
  • ntp-server: string (default=“0.fedora.pool.ntp.org”)
  • bootloader-append: string (default=“nofb quiet splash=quiet”)
  • disable-firewall: boolean (default=false)
  • package_upgrade: boolean (default=true)
  • disable-uek: boolean (default=false)

"Katello Kickstart Default’

rhel_compatible = @host.operatingsystem.family == ‘Redhat’ && @host.operatingsystem.name != ‘Fedora’
os_major = @host.operatingsystem.major.to_i

safemode renderer does not support unary negation

pm_set = @host.puppetmaster.empty? ? false : true
puppet_enabled = pm_set || host_param(‘force-puppet’)
salt_enabled = host_param(‘salt_master’) ? true : false
chef_enabled = @host.respond_to?(:chef_proxy) && @host.chef_proxy
section_end = (rhel_compatible && os_major <= 5) ? ‘’ : ‘%end’

Should the subscription manager snippet not be the only difference between these kickstarts?


Katello kickstart default used to be a clone which added support for rhel and Katello specific pieces. Over time, all functionality was added to core temates Kickstart default and Kickstar RHEL default. Recently they have been merged so Katello Kickstart replaced Katello kickstart default, which meanwhile got out of date.

TL;DR use Kickstart Default :slight_smile:

“Katello Kickstart” doesn’t exist.
“Kickstart Default” is missing snippet subscription_manager_registration.

There is redhat_register snippet which should do the same.

Ok, thanks.