Problem: we have several subscription of Type BONUS that has appeared some times ago due to misconfiguration of subscription attachments (i think, i’m not sure). Now we corrected all our misconfigurations by adding the right subscriptions to hypervisors. This allowed us to have all the required Type STACK_DERIVED subscriptions, with the caption on the subscriptions table “Guests of hypervisorXXX”.
The old and problematic subscriptions have on “Virtual” under the type column.
This is one of the subscriptions that are OK:
Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Smart Virtualization, Standard (2-socket)
Description: RHEV
Virt-Who Usage Required No
Consumed 0 out of Unlimited
Starts 2017-12-01 05:00:00 UTC
Ends 2018-11-30 23:59:59 UTC
Product ID SVC2032
Contract Number XXXXXXX
Account Number XXXXXX
Support Level Standard
Support Type L1-L3
Architecture(s) ia64,ppc,ppc64,ppc64le,s390,s390x,x86,x86_64
Limits Sockets: 2
Multi-entitlement Yes
This is one of the ones that are not ok:
Name Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Smart Virtualization, Standard (2-socket)
Description RHEV
Virt-Who Usage Required No
Consumed 0 out of Unlimited
Starts 2017-12-01 05:00:00 UTC
Ends 2018-12-01 04:59:59 UTC
Product ID MCT2930
Contract Number XXXXXX
Account Number XXXXXX
Support Level Standard
Support Type L1-L3
Architecture(s) ia64,ppc,ppc64,ppc64le,s390,s390x,x86,x86_64
Limits Sockets: 2
Multi-entitlement Yes
I know they will expire soon, but i want to remove them as soon as possible. Is there a way to do it?