End of sprint 17

Hi folks,

So our most recent sprint came to a close yesterday, and we wrapped up
with a demo of the latest work:

It covers "hammer shell" improvements, MCollective command execution,
host/system review, new APIv2 enhancements, DB seeding, Puppet run via
SaltStack, OpenStack images from host groups, Kafo PR testing, user
group and role changes, libvirt/virsh DNS/DHCP providers and a new VM
AJAX feature. Not everything demoed has been merged yet.

Here are the release notes for all changes targeted at Foreman 1.4,
merged in the last sprint:

Anything listed on there is in the nightly RPM and Debian packages, so
please do check it out. Feedback and bug reports are appreciated before
we do RCs in January.

Lastly, here are all of the redmine issues closed in the last sprint:


ยทยทยท -- Dominic Cleal Red Hat Engineering