Environment with id XX doesn't exist or is not assigned to proper organization and/or location

Standard disclaimer: I’m new to foreman/puppet, please bear with me.

I’m trying to re-image an existing laptop. When I hit the “build” butting in Foreman, I get the above error message and this in /var/log/foreman/foreman.log

2022-04-07T15:49:30 [I|app|9c14ff68] Started GET “/hosts/HOSTNAME/review_before_build” for at 2022-04-07 15:49:30 -0700
2022-04-07T15:49:30 [I|app|9c14ff68] Processing by HostsController#review_before_build as /
2022-04-07T15:49:30 [I|app|9c14ff68] Parameters: {“id”=>“HOSTNAME”}
2022-04-07T15:49:31 [W|app|9c14ff68] Not queueing Discovery reboot: Environment with id 9 doesn’t exist or is not assigned to proper organization and/or location
2022-04-07T15:49:31 [I|app|9c14ff68] Rendering Preseed default PXELinux
2022-04-07T15:49:31 [I|app|9c14ff68] Rendering Preseed default PXEGrub2 clone
2022-04-07T15:49:31 [I|app|9c14ff68] Rendering Preseed default iPXE
2022-04-07T15:49:31 [I|app|9c14ff68] Rendering Preseed default clone ubuntu 18.04 a
2022-04-07T15:49:31 [I|app|9c14ff68] Rendering Preseed default finish clone Ubuntu 20.04 clone
2022-04-07T15:49:31 [I|app|9c14ff68] Rendering hosts/review_before_build.html.erb
2022-04-07T15:49:31 [I|app|9c14ff68] Rendered hosts/_build_review_status.html.erb (0.5ms)
2022-04-07T15:49:31 [I|app|9c14ff68] Rendered hosts/review_before_build.html.erb (9.1ms)
2022-04-07T15:49:31 [I|app|9c14ff68] Completed 200 OK in 952ms (Views: 13.0ms | ActiveRecord: 75.3ms)

I’ve obfuscated the hostname

I wonder if anyone has encountered this issue and found a working solution?