Error running salt.highstate over Foreman

Can anybody explain this error (see below) in Foreman, when I try to run “Run Salt state.highstate? I am able to run highstate over cli (with pam auth, too), but it looks that there are some missing steps in documentations how to configure Foreman and Salt to work together and run highstate. States are imported, minions and grains are in Foreman, too.

Debian Bullseye

Foreman 3.9.1

Salt 3006.6

Foreman Salt Plugin 16.0.0

[ERROR ] Encountered StreamClosedException
Salt request timed out. The master is not responding. You may need to run your command with --async in order to bypass the congested event bus. With --async, the CLI tool will print the job id (jid) and exit immediately without listening for responses. You can then use salt-run jobs.lookup_jid to look up the results of the job in the job cache later.
Exit status: 1
StandardError: Job execution failed