I have a feeling this comes from the livemedia-creator and is not under FDI control. You could experiment with the command based on the livemedia-creator docs , e.g. --extra-boot-args
may help.
If that takes to build the FDI from scratch, these may help
foreman discovery image is still based on EL7, but if you want to try to build it on EL8 feel free to do so and give us a feedback. Here is a tutorial:
Checkout the repository and run ./build-livecd fdi-centos7.ks. Then edit the generated fdi-image.ks as follows.
Change the following lines:
network --bootproto=dhcp
url --mirrorlist=http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=8&arch=$basearch&repo=baseos
repo --name="AppStream" --mirrorlist=http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=8&arch=$base…
we did not want to rush this in because maintaining two versions of FDI is twice as much work and having an older version of discovery is safer when you want to install newer version of OS. With EL8 based FDI kexecing into EL7 kernel could not be even possible, I haven’t tried.
But the main reason is that FDI has smart-proxy and it is not yet available for EL8, So actually to be able to ship FDI on EL8, we need to have Foreman on EL8, which is not available yet. Going forward, I’d like to…
Sorry, I can’t help anymore.