Foreman 1.16 Katello 3.5 wrong commands when creating provisioning setup.


My environment is Foreman 1.16 and Katello 3.5

When creating a provisioning setup in the webui the wrong commands are
Step 3 (Foreman installer)
The commands you need to Install provisioning with DHCP are not correct.

katello-installer \
  --enable-capsule \
  --capsule-tftp=true \
  --capsule-tftp-servername= \
  --capsule-dhcp=true \
  --capsule-dhcp-interface=eth0 \
  --capsule-dhcp-gateway= \
  --capsule-dhcp-nameservers="," \
  --capsule-dns=true \
  --capsule-dns-interface=eth0 \ \ \
  --capsule-dns-forwarders= \
  --capsule-dns-forwarders= \
  --capsule-parent-fqdn= \
  --capsule-foreman-oauth-key=xxxxxx \

The following commands are the correct one.
foreman-installer \
   --scenario katello \
   --enable-foreman-proxy \
   --foreman-proxy-tftp=true \
   --foreman-proxy-tftp-servername= \
   --foreman-proxy-dhcp=true \
   --foreman-proxy-dhcp-interface=eth0 \
   --foreman-proxy-dhcp-gateway= \
   --foreman-proxy-dhcp-nameservers="," \
   --foreman-proxy-dns=true \
   --foreman-proxy-dns-interface=eth0 \ \ \
   --foreman-proxy-dns-forwarders= \
   --foreman-proxy-dns-forwarders= \
   --foreman-proxy-content-parent-fqdn= \
   --katello-oauth-key=xxxxx \