Foreman 1.22.1 Release Process

Manual updates

  • Update manual if applicable for any additional installation steps
  • Update release notes section in the manual:
    • Release notes: bullet point list by category of all changes, include link to bug numbers. You can auto-generate changes using the release notes script.
    • CLI release notes are taken from the hammer-cli and hammer-cli-foreman changelogs
    • Link to installer changelogs and note versions being used
  • Update installer options section using the get-params script if any changes were made in the installer or installer modules (after new packages have been released)
  • Update the apipie doc and place it in the api/1.22 directory if any changes were made to the API

Preparing code

  • Request Hammer CLI releases from maintainers if desired
  • Make patch releases of installer modules that have important changes
    • Branch to MAJ.MIN-stable if recent changes to the module aren’t suitable for patch (x.y.z) release
  • Compare tagged packages in nightly vs. release koji tag and re-tag any updated dependencies that are required
  • Add a new Redmine version for the next minor, unless the series is EOL. Be sure the version is set to sharing with subprojects.
  • Remove/change release field for any open Redmine tickets assigned to the release still (next minor, unset it or reject)
  • Change Redmine version 1.22.1 state to Closed
  • Ensure that code in git matches issues fixed in 1.22.1 in redmine. issues.rb can be used to generate a comparison between the two.

Tagging a release

  • In foreman 1.22-stable:
    • Make sure test_1_22_stable is green
    • run script/
    • update template snapshots with rake snapshots:generate RAILS_ENV=test and verify changes are expected
    • Tag the release using 1.22.1
    • Push: git push upstream 1.22-stable --follow-tags
  • In smart-proxy 1.22-stable:
  • In foreman-selinux 1.22-stable:
    • Tag the release using 1.22.1
    • Push: git push upstream 1.22-stable --follow-tags
  • In foreman-installer 1.22-stable:
    • Tag the release using 1.22.1
    • Push: git push upstream 1.22-stable --follow-tags
  • Run the Jenkins Tarballs Release to create tarballs
  • Download, inspect, sign and upload detached signatures

Note: If for some reason there was an issue with the tarballs that required uploading new tarballs, CDN cache should be invalidated so that the builders use the updated tarballs.

Packaging a release

Background documentation

@tbrisker I’ve signed all packages but not sure we should release on a Friday. All that’s left is kicking off the release pipeline job so you’re free to release when you feel like it.

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