Foreman 1.3 host provisionning/building and translation


I've got a couple of questions…

1st one :
I set multiple (~200) hosts to build using the API : most installs went fine, but one or two hosts did not install because another dhcp replied first on the same network : after that, the hosts were marked as "no report ever received" in foreman (or something equivalent - the "build state" was gone and impossible to set again (see 3rd question) : is this a bug or a feature that the requested build goes away after foreman replies to the dhcp request ? In the previous version (1.1) I had, there was a kickstart post-install command in charge of this…

2nd one :
Is it possible to choose the foreman language ? I'd like to revert to English, but did not find that in the settings tabs.

Last one :
Including for the hosts in question one, I have hosts for which I canceled the build, and which now cannot be switched back to "rebuild" state : I can't therefore rebuild the hosts without removing/deleting them from foreman, and then re-adding them : am I missing something or is there an issue when building/canceling builds ?
One of those hosts got its certificate expired (probably because the build button was pushed), and I therefore pushed the "cancel build" button and then manually regenerated/signed the puppet certificate using the puppet cert commands…

Thanks && regards

You can do that in your User's setting page.


··· On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 12:25:35PM +0000, SCHAER Frederic wrote: > Is it possible to choose the foreman language ? I'd like to revert to English, but did not find that in the settings tabs.


Lukas “lzap” Zapletal
irc: lzap #theforeman