Foreman 2.3 yum showing 0 packages

Is there a problem with the source of Katello client for EL6 ?
I’m using this URL which get the packages.
I want to install katello client and tools on Centos 6 and Oracle 6.
On the client the yum repolist displaying 0 content for the Katello EL6 repo
On Foreman going to content view, clicking on the version, yum repositories
it displays 0 packages. Click on 0 packages and it has 6 packages inside.

The Katello EL7 repo using the same method says 16 in the yum repository and there are 17 packages inside.
A yum repolist on a Centos7 client does indeed only show 16 packages

Any ideas what is needed to fix this ?

Expected outcome:
number of packages on client yum output matches content view available packages

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman 2.33 Katello 3.18

Other relevant data:

on client

yum repolist

repo id repo name status
Foreman2_3_Katello_EL6_Foreman2_3_Katello_EL6 Foreman2.3_Katello_EL6 0

click on 0 packages there are 6 packages

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You’ll most likely have to publish and possibly promote the content view to get those packages to the client.

The package count on the content view - version - yum repository page is the number of packages from that repository published into that content view version.

If you click on the number of packages link in that view, it takes you to the repository, i.e. what has been synced from remote into the repository. Unless you are using the Library lifecycle environment you need to publish to get it into the content view version…

Thanks it was as you said a publishing problem.
I had to republish and promote through each lifecycle for it to be seen.