Foreman 3.0.0 has been released

Foreman 3.0.0 is now generally available. Special thanks to everyone who contributed and took part in making this release ready.

If you have any problems upgrading or installing the new release, please let us know.

Puppet extraction

Note that this is a major release, with much of the Puppet integration moved to a new plugin that is installed by default. Puppet users can read Puppet in 3.0 release to get a grasp of what to anticipate in this and future releases. Users who do not use puppet in their environment are encouraged to attempt disabling the plugin if possible while testing the release candidates and report and issues that may arise.

Remote Execution Job invocation report template

Foreman 3.0 is released with the a new report template for Remote Execution plugin users who want to render a report for a particular job (see Foreman Community Demo 94 for more details). The feedback for the report structure convinced us to modify it to be more user friendly. It wasn’t changed in time for 3.0 release but is expected to be changed in 3.0.1, so if you plan to consume the job data through this report, please don’t hardcode the structure to your scripts yet. For the actual change, please see Redmine #33223.

Experimental new host page

Foreman 3.0 contains an experimental new host page. Users are encouraged to provide feedback about what’s missing for their day to day work. To set some expectations, it’s still considered experimental and 3.0.1 will clean up several rough edges to make it feel like a replacement of the old page.

To enable this page, navigate to Administer → Settings → General and set the “Show Experimental Labs” setting to Yes. Then navigate to the Hosts → All Hosts and in the action drop down for a particular host, click on the “New Details Page”.

There are some known issues with this page right now. Feedback and thoughts are gathered on Discourse.

There are many tabs to be added, especially around Puppet, Katello, Ansible, OpenSCAP. The mockups for some are being worked on right now, some are already built and are being implemented. Plugin authors are encouraged to port their code so Foreman 3.1 can switch.

Documentation links


Packages may be found in the 3.0 directories on both and, and tarballs are on

The GPG key used for signing RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
The GPG key used for signing DEBs has been rotated and has the following fingerprint:


Thanks everyone, great milestone for the project! Looking forward to further improvements on all efforta started in this release.

The whole upgrade took me ~1 hour (of course depends on your machine and connectivity speed)
On CentOS 8 Stream, I had to upgrade the packages with --nobest beucause of the net-ssh being too new in the distro and we depend on =4.2. You will hit that if you use REX or ansible plugins.

Otherwise pretty smooth upgrade experience for me. Do we have some instructions on how to uninstall the puppet integration? I’m happy to test that out on this instance.