Foreman 3.0 & Katello 4.2: qpidd crashes after upgrade from 4.1

Katello 4.1 on a up-to-date CentOS 7 box. I follow the upgrade guide Upgrading and Updating Foreman server 2.1.2 step 11. The qpidd daemon crashes during forman-installer or when I start it manually.

2021-12-07 15:47:34 [ERROR ] [configure] Dec 07 15:46:04 qpidd[12695]: 2021-12-07 15:46:04 [Broker] critical Broker (pid=12695) start-up failed: Couldn't find any network address to listen to
2021-12-07 15:47:34 [ERROR ] [configure] Dec 07 15:46:04 qpidd[12695]: 2021-12-07 15:46:04 [Broker] critical Broker (pid=12695) start-up failed: Couldn't find any network address to listen to

When I run runuser -u qpidd -g qpidd -- /usr/sbin/qpidd --config /etc/qpid/qpidd.conf -t I get this:

2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Broker] notice Broker (pid=3877) start-up
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create memory. id:amqp-broker
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object added: amqp-broker
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create system. id:5bb39794-3e2c-4e00-a610-ba54a979e8ce
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Broker] info Management enabled
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] info ManagementAgent restored broker ID: 468b86f0-14ab-410c-a736-7c1ce4a05899
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent boot sequence: 59
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added package
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND PackageInd to=schema.package
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create broker. id:amqp-broker
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create vhost.,/
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:,/
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Broker] info Loaded protocol amqp1.0
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] debug Linear Store: Journal "TplStore": Journal directory = "/var/lib/qpidd/qls/tpl2/"
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: EFP Manager initialization complete
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: EFP Partitions found: 1
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: EFP Partition 1:
     EFP Partition Analysis (partition 1 at "/var/lib/qpidd/qls/p001"):
     efp_size_kib   num_files  tot_capacity_kib
     ------------  ----------  ----------------
             2048           0                 0

2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] notice Linear Store: Store module initialized; store-dir=/var/lib/qpidd
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: > Default EFP partition: 1
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: > Default EFP file size: 2048 (KiB)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: > Default write cache page size: 4 (KiB)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: > Default number of write cache pages: 16
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: > TPL write cache page size: 4 (KiB)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: > TPL number of write cache pages: 16
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: > Overwrite before return to EFP: False
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: > Maximum journal flush time: 500ms
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create exchange. id:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] debug Linear Store: Recovered transaction prepared list:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Broker] debug Queue "katello.agent": Flow limit created: flowStopCount=0, flowResumeCount=0, flowStopSize=83886080, flowResumeSize=73400320
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create queue. id:katello.agent
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Broker] debug Bind key [katello.agent] to queue katello.agent (origin=)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create binding.,,katello.agent
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:,,katello.agent
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] debug Linear Store: Journal "katello.agent": Journal directory = "/var/lib/qpidd/qls/jrnl2/katello.agent"
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] debug Linear Store: Journal "katello.agent": Recover; queue_id = 0x2 wcache_pgsize_sblks=1 wcache_num_pages=16
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: Journal "katello.agent": 
     Journal recovery analysis (jid="katello.agent"):
     <Journal empty, no journal files found>

2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] debug Linear Store: Journal "katello.agent": Recover phase 1 complete; highest rid found = 0x0; emap.size=0; tmap.size=0; journal now read-only.
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: Recovered queue "katello.agent": 0 messages recovered; 0 messages in-doubt.
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] debug Linear Store: Journal "katello.agent": Recover phase 2 complete; journal now writable.
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: Most recent persistence id found: 0x0
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create exchange.
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: Recovered exchange ""
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create exchange. id:amq.topic
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: Recovered exchange "amq.topic"
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create exchange. id:amq.fanout
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: Recovered exchange "amq.fanout"
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create exchange. id:amq.match
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: Recovered exchange "amq.match"
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create exchange.
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create exchange. id:qmf.default.topic
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create exchange.
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] info SASL: no config path set - using default.
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Broker] info SASL enabled
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Network] debug No Socket fd specified
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added package org.apache.qpid.acl
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND PackageInd package=org.apache.qpid.acl to=schema.package
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class org.apache.qpid.acl:acl
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class org.apache.qpid.acl:allow
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class org.apache.qpid.acl:deny
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class org.apache.qpid.acl:connectionDeny
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class org.apache.qpid.acl:queueQuotaDeny
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class org.apache.qpid.acl:fileLoaded
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug ManagementAgent added class org.apache.qpid.acl:fileLoadFailed
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt create acl.
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug Management object (V1) added:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] notice ACL: Read file "/etc/qpid/qpid.acl"
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Group list: 0 groups found:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: name list: 2 names found:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL:  * qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Rule list: 10 ACL rules found:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL:    1 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] create queue
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL:    2 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] consume queue
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL:    3 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] access exchange
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL:    4 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] access queue
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL:    5 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] publish exchange routingkey=katello.agent
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL:    6 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] publish exchange
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL:    7 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] access method name=create
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL:    8 deny-log [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] access method name=*
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL:    9 deny-log [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] * *
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL:   10 allow [*] *
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: connections quota: 0 rules found:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: queues quota: 0 rules found:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Load Rules
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Processing 10 allow [*] *
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: FoundMode allow
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Processing  9 deny-log [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] * *
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Adding actions {access,bind,consume,create,delete,move,publish,purge,redirect,reroute,unbind,update} to objects {broker,connection,exchange,link,method,query,queue} with props { } for users {qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Processing  8 deny-log [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] access method name=*
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Adding actions {access} to objects {method} with props { name=* } for users {qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Processing  7 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] access method name=create
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Adding actions {access} to objects {method} with props { name=create } for users {qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Processing  6 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] publish exchange
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Adding actions {publish} to objects {exchange} with props { } for users {qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Processing  5 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] publish exchange routingkey=katello.agent
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Adding actions {publish} to objects {exchange} with props { routingkey=katello.agent } for users {qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Processing  4 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] access queue
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Adding actions {access} to objects {queue} with props { } for users {qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Processing  3 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] access exchange
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Adding actions {access} to objects {exchange} with props { } for users {qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Processing  2 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] consume queue
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Adding actions {consume} to objects {queue} with props { } for users {qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Processing  1 allow [qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID] create queue
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Adding actions {create} to objects {queue} with props { } for users {qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: global Connection Rule list : 0 rules found :
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: User Connection Rule lists : 0 user lists found :
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Definitions of action, object, (allowed properties) lookups
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup  1: User querying message timestamp setting  access   broker     ()
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup  2: AMQP 0-10 protocol received 'query'      access   exchange   (name)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup  3: AMQP 0-10 query binding                  access   exchange   (name,routingkey,queuename)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup  4: AMQP 0-10 exchange declare               access   exchange   (name,durable,autodelete,type,alternate)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup  5: AMQP 1.0 exchange access                 access   exchange   (name,durable,type)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup  6: AMQP 1.0 node resolution                 access   exchange   (name)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup  7: Management method request                access   method     (name,schemapackage,schemaclass)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup  8: Management agent method request          access   method     (name,schemapackage,schemaclass)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup  9: Management agent query                   access   query      (name,schemaclass)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 10: QMF 'query queue' method                 access   queue      (name)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 11: AMQP 0-10 query                          access   queue      (name)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 12: AMQP 0-10 queue declare                  access   queue      (name,durable,autodelete,exclusive,alternate,policytype,queuemaxsizelowerlimit,queuemaxsizeupperlimit,queuemaxcountlowerlimit,queuemaxcountupperlimit)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 13: AMQP 1.0 queue access                    access   queue      (name,durable,autodelete,exclusive,alternate,policytype,queuemaxsizelowerlimit,queuemaxsizeupperlimit,queuemaxcountlowerlimit,queuemaxcountupperlimit)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 14: AMQP 1.0 node resolution                 access   queue      (name)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 15: AMQP 0-10 or QMF bind request            bind     exchange   (name,routingkey,queuename)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 16: AMQP 1.0 new outgoing link from exchange bind     exchange   (name,routingkey,queuename)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 17: AMQP 0-10 subscribe request              consume  queue      (name)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 18: AMQP 1.0 new outgoing link from queue    consume  queue      (name)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 19: TCP/IP connection creation               create   connection (host)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 20: Create exchange                          create   exchange   (name,durable,autodelete,type,alternate)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 21: Interbroker link creation                create   link       ()
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 22: Interbroker link creation                create   link       ()
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 23: Create queue                             create   queue      (name,durable,autodelete,exclusive,alternate,policytype,paging,queuemaxsizelowerlimit,queuemaxsizeupperlimit,queuemaxcountlowerlimit,queuemaxcountupperlimit,filemaxsizelowerlimit,filemaxsizeupperlimit,filemaxcountlowerlimit,filemaxcountupperlimit,pageslowerlimit,pagesupperlimit,pagefactorlowerlimit,pagefactorupperlimit)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 24: Delete exchange                          delete   exchange   (name,durable,type,alternate)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 25: Delete queue                             delete   queue      (name,durable,autodelete,exclusive,alternate,policytype)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 26: Management 'move queue' request          move     queue      (name,queuename)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 27: AMQP 0-10 received message processing    publish  exchange   (name,routingkey)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 28: AMQP 1.0 establish sender link to queue  publish  exchange   (routingkey)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 29: AMQP 1.0 received message processing     publish  exchange   (name,routingkey)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 30: Management 'purge queue' request         purge    queue      (name)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 31: Management 'purge queue' request         purge    queue      (name)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 32: Management 'redirect queue' request      redirect queue      (name,queuename)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 33: Management 'reroute queue' request       reroute  queue      (name,exchangename)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 34: Management 'unbind exchange' request     unbind   exchange   (name,routingkey,queuename)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Lookup 35: User modifying message timestamp setting update   broker     ()
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: Decision rule cross reference
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  access   broker     Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (1)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  access   exchange   Rule: [rule 3 ruleMode = allow props{ }] may match Lookups : (2,3,4,5,6)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  access   exchange   Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (2,3,4,5,6)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  access   method     Rule: [rule 7 ruleMode = allow props{ name=create }] may match Lookups : (7,8)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  access   method     Rule: [rule 8 ruleMode = deny-log props{ name=* }] may match Lookups : (7,8)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  access   method     Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (7,8)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  access   query      Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (9)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  access   queue      Rule: [rule 4 ruleMode = allow props{ }] may match Lookups : (10,11,12,13,14)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  access   queue      Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (10,11,12,13,14)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  bind     exchange   Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (15,16)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  consume  queue      Rule: [rule 2 ruleMode = allow props{ }] may match Lookups : (17,18)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  consume  queue      Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (17,18)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  create   connection Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (19)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  create   exchange   Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (20)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  create   link       Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (21,22)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  create   queue      Rule: [rule 1 ruleMode = allow props{ }] may match Lookups : (23)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  create   queue      Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (23)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  delete   exchange   Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (24)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  delete   queue      Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (25)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  move     queue      Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (26)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  publish  exchange   Rule: [rule 5 ruleMode = allow props{ routingkey=katello.agent }] may match Lookups : (27,28,29)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  publish  exchange   Rule: [rule 6 ruleMode = allow props{ }] may match Lookups : (27,28,29)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  publish  exchange   Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (27,28,29)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  purge    queue      Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (30,31)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  redirect queue      Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (32)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  reroute  queue      Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (33)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  unbind   exchange   Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (34)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace ACL: User: qpid_router_katello_agent@QPID  update   broker     Rule: [rule 9 ruleMode = deny-log props{ }] may match Lookups : (35)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Transfer ACL is Enabled!
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] debug ACL: Default connection mode : allow
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] debug SEND raiseEvent (v2) class=org.apache.qpid.acl.fileLoaded
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] info ACL Plugin loaded
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Security] trace Initialising SSL plugin
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Network] debug Using interface:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Network] info Listening to:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [System] debug Exception constructed: Failed to retrieve private key from certificate (/builddir/build/BUILD/qpid-cpp-1.39.0/src/qpid/sys/ssl/SslSocket.cpp:234)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Network] warning Couldn't listen to: Failed to retrieve private key from certificate (/builddir/build/BUILD/qpid-cpp-1.39.0/src/qpid/sys/ssl/SslSocket.cpp:234)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Network] debug Using interface: ::1
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Network] info Listening to: [::1]:5671
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [System] debug Exception constructed: Failed to retrieve private key from certificate (/builddir/build/BUILD/qpid-cpp-1.39.0/src/qpid/sys/ssl/SslSocket.cpp:234)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Network] warning Couldn't listen to: [::1]:5671: Failed to retrieve private key from certificate (/builddir/build/BUILD/qpid-cpp-1.39.0/src/qpid/sys/ssl/SslSocket.cpp:234)
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [System] debug Exception constructed: Couldn't find any network address to listen to
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Broker] critical Broker (pid=3877) start-up failed: Couldn't find any network address to listen to
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt destroying system. id:5bb39794-3e2c-4e00-a610-ba54a979e8ce Statistics: {}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt destroying vhost.,/ Statistics: {}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt destroying exchange. id:amq.topic Statistics: {bindingCount:0, bindingCountHigh:0, bindingCountLow:0, byteDrops:0, byteReceives:0, byteRoutes:0, msgDrops:0, msgReceives:0, msgRoutes:0, producerCount:0, producerCountHigh:0, producerCountLow:0}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] trace Management object marked deleted:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt destroying exchange. id:amq.match Statistics: {bindingCount:0, bindingCountHigh:0, bindingCountLow:0, byteDrops:0, byteReceives:0, byteRoutes:0, msgDrops:0, msgReceives:0, msgRoutes:0, producerCount:0, producerCountHigh:0, producerCountLow:0}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] trace Management object marked deleted:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt destroying exchange. id:amq.fanout Statistics: {bindingCount:0, bindingCountHigh:0, bindingCountLow:0, byteDrops:0, byteReceives:0, byteRoutes:0, msgDrops:0, msgReceives:0, msgRoutes:0, producerCount:0, producerCountHigh:0, producerCountLow:0}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] trace Management object marked deleted:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt destroying exchange. id: Statistics: {bindingCount:1, bindingCountHigh:1, bindingCountLow:0, byteDrops:0, byteReceives:0, byteRoutes:0, msgDrops:0, msgReceives:0, msgRoutes:0, producerCount:0, producerCountHigh:0, producerCountLow:0}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt destroying binding.,,katello.agent Statistics: {msgMatched:0}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] trace Management object marked deleted:,,katello.agent
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] trace Management object marked deleted:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt destroying queue. id:katello.agent Statistics: {acquires:0, bindingCount:0, bindingCountHigh:1, bindingCountLow:0, byteDepth:0, byteFtdDepth:0, byteFtdDequeues:0, byteFtdEnqueues:0, bytePersistDequeues:0, bytePersistEnqueues:0, byteTotalDequeues:0, byteTotalEnqueues:0, byteTxnDequeues:0, byteTxnEnqueues:0, consumerCount:0, consumerCountHigh:0, consumerCountLow:0,, discardsLvq:0, discardsOverflow:0, discardsPurge:0, discardsRing:0, discardsSubscriber:0, discardsTtl:0, flowStopped:False, flowStoppedCount:0, messageLatencyAvg:0, messageLatencyCount:0, messageLatencyMax:0, messageLatencyMin:0, msgDepth:0, msgFtdDepth:0, msgFtdDequeues:0, msgFtdEnqueues:0, msgPersistDequeues:0, msgPersistEnqueues:0, msgTotalDequeues:0, msgTotalEnqueues:0, msgTxnDequeues:0, msgTxnEnqueues:0, redirectPeer:, redirectSource:False, releases:0, reroutes:0, unackedMessages:0, unackedMessagesHigh:0, unackedMessagesLow:0}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] trace Management object marked deleted:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: Journal "katello.agent": Stopped
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Store] info Linear Store: Journal "TplStore": Stopped
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt destroying exchange. Statistics: {bindingCount:0, bindingCountHigh:0, bindingCountLow:0, byteDrops:0, byteReceives:0, byteRoutes:0, msgDrops:0, msgReceives:0, msgRoutes:0, producerCount:0, producerCountHigh:0, producerCountLow:0}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] trace Management object marked deleted:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt destroying exchange. Statistics: {bindingCount:0, bindingCountHigh:0, bindingCountLow:0, byteDrops:0, byteReceives:0, byteRoutes:0, msgDrops:0, msgReceives:0, msgRoutes:0, producerCount:0, producerCountHigh:0, producerCountLow:0}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] trace Management object marked deleted:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt destroying exchange. Statistics: {bindingCount:0, bindingCountHigh:0, bindingCountLow:0, byteDrops:0, byteReceives:0, byteRoutes:0, msgDrops:0, msgReceives:0, msgRoutes:0, producerCount:0, producerCountHigh:0, producerCountLow:0}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] trace Management object marked deleted:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Model] trace Mgmt destroying exchange. id:qmf.default.topic Statistics: {bindingCount:0, bindingCountHigh:0, bindingCountLow:0, byteDrops:0, byteReceives:0, byteRoutes:0, msgDrops:0, msgReceives:0, msgRoutes:0, producerCount:0, producerCountHigh:0, producerCountLow:0}
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Management] trace Management object marked deleted:
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Broker] notice Broker (pid=3877) shut-down
2021-12-07 17:36:23 [Broker] critical Unexpected error: Couldn't find any network address to listen to

Looks like it’s some key stuff. The files in /etc/pki/katello/nssdb/ and qpidd.conf are created by foreman-installer.

Expected outcome:
qpidd runs

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman 3.0 Katello 4.2

Distribution and version:
CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)

Other relevant data:
When I copy /etc/qpid/qpidd.conf and /etc/pki/katello/nssdb from Katello 4.1, qpidd runs fine. But I can’t continue with foreman-installer and the upgrade, because foreman-installer overwrites my changes during the upgrade process.

cert8.db files have the same size, but key3.db from Katello 4.1 is much larger than the newly created. Running certutil -L -d /etc/pki/katello/nssdb shows me an additional amqp-client certificate besides ca and broker before the upgrade. The amqp-client certificate is missing after running foreman-installer. Running certutil -K -d /etc/pki/katello/nssdb shows me only 1 private key after the upgrade, but 36 private keys before the upgrade.

Before upgrade: certutil -L -d /etc/pki/katello/nssdb
Certificate Nickname                                         Trust Attributes

amqp-client                                                  ,,
ca                                                           CT,C,c
broker                                                       u,u,u

After upgrade: certutil -L -d /etc/pki/katello/nssdb
Certificate Nickname                                         Trust Attributes

ca                                                           CT,C,c
broker                                                       u,u,u

Nobody with an idea why the certificate store isn’t created?

Do you use Katello Agent ? as I understand Qpidd is only uselful if you run the Katello Agent.*
If not, you can just run foreman-installer --foreman-proxy-content-enable-katello-agent=false

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