Foreman 3.1.0 - Job live output is missing


According to this thread Ansible job invocations no longer have live dynamic result updates after upgrading to Foreman 2.5

There should be live output of ansible job output, but it’s just displaying everything after it’s done.

Expected outcome:

Display live updates during execution.

Foreman and Proxy versions:


Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Name Version
foreman-tasks 5.2.0
foreman_ansible 7.0.1
foreman_discovery 19.0.1
foreman_puppet 2.0.0
foreman_remote_execution 5.0.1

Distribution and version:

Rocky Linux 8.5

Other relevant data:

Looks like we missed a version bump in packaging. This should be fixed once smart_proxy_ansible-3.3.0 lands in the repos

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Thanks, any eta on that?

It should be in the repos now.

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Can confirm it works now as intended!

Hi @aruzicka

would like to know if this will get fixed in Foreman 3.0 also?

Theres still rubygem-smart_proxy_ansible = 3.2.1 in Foreman 3.0 Repo’s

Thank you

That is correct, smart_proxy_ansible-3.2.z is the line which should be available for 3.0. If live output doesn’t work there either, then it is most likely a completely different issue to what we tried to solve here and would warrant a new thread, or even better a ticket in the issue tracker.