Foreman 3.1.3 has been released!

The Foreman 3.1.3 is available now! This is the 3.1 branch’s final minor release. Thanks to everyone who contributed and took part in making this release ready.

If you face any problems installing or upgrading to the new release then you can raise a issue or comment on this post.

There are around ten bug fixes in this version. The release notes have been updated with respect to these changes,

Packages may be found in the 3.1 directories on both and , and tarballs are on .

The GPG key used for signing RPMs and tarballs has the following fingerprint:
1CD4BC6A65EB598E53C66E176A3BF4ED1434F5D3 .
The GPG key used for signing DEBs has the following fingerprint: