Foreman 3.11.1 and Katello 4.13 Issues


  • After upgrading to Foreman 3.11.1 and Katello 4.13 (From Foreman 3.10.0 and Katello 4.12), in the Foreman UI, the Monitoring page widgets fail to load and just spin, and the Content pages for the Katello part fail to load anything. I don’t get an errors during the upgrade.

Expected outcome:
That the Monitor and Content pages load in Foreman UI.

Distribution and version:
Rocky Linux 8.9

Is this 4.13.1 or 4.13.0? Katello should be 4.13.1.

We are having the same problem with one of our Foreman/Katello instances. 3.11.1/4.13.1
We are using RHEL 8.10

Did you run foreman-installer during the upgrade?

Do you see any errors in the browser’s developer console? (right click and click Inspect, then go to the Console tab)

I had the problem directly after upgrading my system, but a SHIFT+Reload did fix it, now the widgets are loading fine. Content pages worked immediately, some are just a bit slower now.

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Do you have rubygem-foreman_puppet installed at all?

Thanks everyone. Just needed to force reload with Shift + Reload like @Dirk said.

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