Foreman 3.5.0-rc1 release process

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Manual updates: 2022-11-08

Release Owner

Preparing code: 2022-11-08

Release Owner

  • Remove/change target version field for any open Redmine tickets assigned to the release still (next minor, unset it or reject)
  • Ensure that code in git matches issues fixed in 3.5.0-rc1 in redmine. issues.rb can be used to generate a comparison between the two.

Tagging a release: 2022-11-08

Release Owner

Release Engineer

Note: If for some reason there was an issue with the tarballs that required uploading new tarballs, CDN cache should be invalidated so that the builders use the updated tarballs.

Packaging a release: 2022-11-08

Release Engineer

Background documentation

After the packages have been released

Release Owner

Status update: once foreman-3.5-release-pipeline #1 [Jenkins] completes successfully RC1 should be available. Then I’ll still need to finish up the release notes and do the announcement:
Add Foreman 3.5.0-rc1 release notes by ekohl · Pull Request #1765 · theforeman/foreman-documentation · GitHub