Foreman 3.8 -> 3.9

I follow the steps as instructed here
and the issue is that once I run foreman-installer I get the following message…

Error 1: Puppet Package resource 'redis dnf module' failed. Logs:
  /Package[redis dnf module]
    Starting to evaluate the resource (118 of 1985)
    Skipping because provider prefetch failed
    Resource is being skipped, unscheduling all events
    Evaluated in 0.00 seconds
Error 2: Puppet Package resource 'postgresql dnf module' failed. Logs:
  /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Dnfmodule/Package[postgresql dnf module]/before
    before to Package[postgresql-client]
    before to Package[postgresql-server]
    before to Package[postgresql-contrib]
  /Package[postgresql dnf module]
    Starting to evaluate the resource (164 of 1985)
    Skipping because provider prefetch failed
    Resource is being skipped, unscheduling all events
    Evaluated in 0.00 seconds
Error 3: Puppet Package resource 'pki-core' failed. Logs:
    before to Package[candlepin]
    before to Package[candlepin-selinux]
    Starting to evaluate the resource (201 of 1985)
    Skipping because provider prefetch failed
    Resource is being skipped, unscheduling all events
    Evaluated in 0.00 seconds

3 errors were detected.
Please address the errors and re-run the installer to ensure the system is properly configured.
Failing to do so is likely to result in broken functionality.

Any thoughts / suggestions?

I found a workarround installer finishes with success but version in the GUI is still 3.8 …

what’s the workaround?

Still having issues

Runned the following

dnf clean all
dnf install
dnf install
dnf install
dnf install foreman-installer-katello
foreman-installer --scenario katello

What are you trying to do? In the beginning you have posted the link on how to upgrade a smart proxy to 3.9. Now you post commands to install and not upgrade katello.

If you are trying to upgrade your foreman/katello installation from 3.8/4.10 to 3.9/4.11 you need to follow the katello instructions

I trying to update the foreman from 3.8/4.10 to 3.9/4.11

Then follow the upgrade docs to 4.11.

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Followed the steps on the support url that you posted all steps completed without errors and…
version is still 3.8 … :-/

I think you are my lucky person here…

foreman-rake katello:upgrade_check
dnf update
dnf update
dnf module disable pulpcore
dnf module enable katello:el8
foreman-maintain service stop
dnf update
foreman-maintain service start
dnf needs-restarting --reboothint
dnf module enable pulpcore
dnf update
dnf module disable pulpcore
dnf module enable katello:el8
dnf update
dnf needs-restarting --reboothint

and… it works now
