Foreman and Keep-alive

Hi all,

Is the Foreman keep-alive feature safe to turn on? I'm running stable
Foreman 1.11.4 on Centos 6 behind haproxy. I can turn on TCP/HTTP
keep-alive for haproxy side, but foreman apache default sets 'keep-alive'
to 'off'. is the passenger/puppet safe enough for apache to enable

Also, since 'keep-alive' is off by default, then the following settings
will have no effects, right?

MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15

By the way, does a puppet agent leverage foreman puppet master's keep-alive
feature, or turn it off by default (similar to '–no-http-keep-alive' to
wget)? Thanks.


> Hi all,
> Is the Foreman keep-alive feature safe to turn on? I'm running stable
> Foreman 1.11.4 on Centos 6 behind haproxy. I can turn on TCP/HTTP
> keep-alive for haproxy side, but foreman apache default sets
> 'keep-alive' to 'off'. is the passenger/puppet safe enough for apache to
> enable 'keep-alive'?

Keepalive is enabled on the Foreman vhost by default in the 1.12.0
installer, Refactor #8489: Set KeepAlive to on - Installer - Foreman. I can't comment
on whether you should use it on the Puppet vhost.

> Also, since 'keep-alive' is off by default, then the following
> settings will have no effects, right?
> MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
> KeepAliveTimeout 15

It has no effect:

··· On 31/08/16 02:52, Thomas Cheng wrote:

Dominic Cleal