Foreman Ansible 0.3 released

Hi Foreman users!

I'm happy to announce the foreman_ansible 0.3 release. This plugin allows
you to import host facts and reports from Ansible after every run.

We've published a manual for it today, check it out:

The plugin should be compatible with Foreman 1.8+. You can install it
through a RPM/DEB or as a gem.

Let us know in this thread if you find any issues, you want some
feature, or you love it already! :slight_smile:

We also have a dynamic inventory for Ansible so you can use your
Foreman host properties (architecture, os, host group, etc…) and
parameters in your playbooks. Thanks Guido Gunther (agx on github) for
your work on this!

For 1.0 you can expect better integration with remote execution and
inventory importing.

PS: In case you are using the remote execution, there is a pull request
open to make it work with an Ansible provider -
Refactor multiple parts to make outside provider integration easier by dLobatog · Pull Request #134 · theforeman/foreman_remote_execution · GitHub - help
testing this and with reviews would be appreciated too.

··· -- Daniel Lobato Garcia


Keybase: elobato (Daniel Lobato Garcia) | Keybase