Foreman API asking to Get hosts list with only names in result

Hi guys,

I'm brand new user of Foreman API and I'm I trying to use the api "hosts"
to get a list of all my hosts on foreman. The result show me all the
information about host and I just want the name of the host in my result.
Is it possible to return only the name field for each host?

Thank you for your help,


In 1.16 and newer you can add "thin=true" as a parameter to the end of the
host request, which will give you a JSON with just the name and ID of each

··· On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 1:32 PM, Patrice Gagnon wrote:

Hi guys,

I’m brand new user of Foreman API and I’m I trying to use the api "hosts"
to get a list of all my hosts on foreman. The result show me all the
information about host and I just want the name of the host in my result.
Is it possible to return only the name field for each host?

Thank you for your help,

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