Foreman birthday event hosted by NETWAYS
Count me in! I’ll be there
where are people staying? just as I’m organizing my travel…
I haven’t started to look, but AFAIK @rabajaj did. Perhaps @Ori_Rabin as well. Maybe @evgeni?
I’d recommend the Holiday Inn, which hosts our OSMC as well
Will be there, too. I guess, myself will not be the only one from ATIX.
Yepp, Holiday Inn should be a good pick.
Ah, someone found the prepared bits without the announcement.
Announcement was postponed because of Opensourcecamp and OSDC, I hope we will have more details online next week.
What I already can say is we will have a great lineup with people from Red Hat, ATIX, dmTech and NETWAYS coming and perhaps more speakers than planned initially.
I have already booked the Holiday Inn hotel for my stay, seems to be reasonable
Announcement is out right now:
Will be also in press, newsletter and on social media, so if you see it somewhere please like and share.
Here is the first draft shedule for the talks session (keep in mind hands-on and hacking runs before it and social part follows after). It is still subject to change and I will add details, when I get more input back from speakers. But at least for me it looks like the best line-up I managed to organize ever for the event and it is still admission free.
15:15 - 15:55
Rahul Bajaj & Ori Rabin & Greg Sutcliffe (Red Hat) - Community talk
16:00 - 16:20
Quirin Pamp (ATIX) - The State of Debian Support
This talk will demonstrate the current state of Debian Support in Katello and show what will come next.
Major Topics will be “APT package actions” (which has been merged), and “Errata Support” (which is hopefully next).
16:25 - 16:55
Dana Singleterry & Rich Jerrido (Red Hat) - Product Managers talk
17:00 - 17:20
Lennart Betz (NETWAYS) - Case study involving Puppet and Foreman
17:25 - 17:45
Evgeni Golov (Red Hat) - Writing Ansible modules for Foreman and Katello
Foreman and Katello both have powerful APIs that allow efficient management of hosts, content and configuration.
This talk will show you how Foreman and Katello can be controlled using Ansible, with a strong emphasis on how to properly use the APIs from Ansible modules, including how to write, test and contribute own modules to the Foreman Ansible Modules collection.
17:50 - 18:10
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden (Red Hat) - The project’s social aspects
As a nice light talk to finish, Ewoud will look into the project’s social aspects like meetups, conferences but most importantly swag over the past 10 years.
And here are the details for Dana’s and Rich’s talk:
Meet the Satellite Product Managers Rich Jerrido / Dana Singleterry and let’s discuss what is of most importance to you including:
- Debian Support
- Red Hat Vision for Ansible, and how we see tower and satellite relating
- Red Hat commitment to Puppet
- Container vision for foreman
- …
This session will be lite on slides and focus more on the AMA styling so bring your questions and let’s have an open dialogue.
Just to give you another update: We have hit the 30 registered attendees (from 7 countries and 3 continents ), cake is ordered and I will start to prepare the demo stations right after the Foreman training this week.
You can still join us next week!
I am already very excited!
I want to say thanks to everyone how joined yesterday. It was a blast!
I will try to write a blog post the next days to give all others an impression of the event!
Thank you Dirk for being a great host for the foreman bithday party.
I just wanted to thank everyone who took part in organizing the event, it was well organized with lots of cold drinks and overall was fun - it was great seeing you all there!
If you have more photos, please do share thanks!
It was indeed an awesome day and I had a lot of fun. A proper way to celebrate a birthday
Does anyone know if we can get our hands on the slides for the Satellite roadmap? I know a person or two who would be interested to see those. (If I remember correctly there was a basic willingness to share this timeline beyond the group present at the talk.)
@dsinglet and @SideAngleSide want to share the road map in a future community demo, but perhaps can already upload the slides here in advance? I would also be thankful for that.
WIll make sure they are uploaded here today/tomorrow.