Foreman builds using smart proxy

Sorry to keep this short - but I’m curious to know if its possible that Foreman could build using a proxy its connected to?

We have the Foreman master in one DC, and 4 smart proxies in various locations. One of those locations is very strict and we can’t connect to the vCenter hosted therem from the master itself.

Could we build hosts in that DC vCenter using the proxy instead?

Short answer, Yes. In our infrastructure, we have 2 dedicated smart proxies dedicated to builds (one in each datacenter that we have servers in). It does not need to be the Foreman machine.

Edit: I just saw vCenter, so I assume VMware ?
In that case I’m not sure. I was speaking about physical servers and Nutanix VMs more specifically.
Here’s the “Features” that are activated on those SP : Logs, Puppet, TFTP, and Templates.

Thanks - yeah VMware. I have a login with the correct permissions to build a VM there (presume via API as well), but no access to this from the Foreman master instance

According to what I found in the docs, this is not possible. Communication must happen from the main Foreman host directly to the vCenter.