Foreman Community Demo #144

Every few weeks we host a Community Demo to showcase new & interesting developments from the Foreman community. We encourage participation from any member of the community (although you do need a Google account), so if you’ve been working on something cool, please do come to show it off.

This post is a wiki, so if you have something to show, add yourself to this table!

Expected In

We’ve added a new column to indicate the release in which community members might expect the feature that is being demoed to appear. This column should be taken as a guide rather than a gospel. Unforeseen circumstances might drag a feature out of a release or two. The best way to know for sure what is in a release is to check out the release announcement! :slight_smile:

If you have any feedback about the change to the format, feel free to comment here :slight_smile:

Depending on where it would be a better fit, please add yourself to one of the following tables:

Foreman user-focused demos

Speaker Time Topic Redmine Issue Expected in Version
@nofaralfasi 5 mins Introductions
@asteflova 5 mins Foreman Birthday event (July 15, 2024)
@nofaralfasi 5 mins Fix ignored passwords in Ansible Job Template Bug #36448: Ansible Command ignores advance field Foreman 3.12
@jeremylenz 10 mins Multi-CV part 1: Attaching hosts to multiple content views 37669 Katello 4.14
@sajha 5 mins Repo discovery update, Drop postgresql-evr package 37678, 37159 Katello 4.13/4.14
@maximilian 3 mins reviewing PRs on GitHub

Foreman developer-focused demos

Speaker Time Topic Redmine issue Expected in version
@wbclark 5min git_repo role for devel environments

Popular Use Cases Demos :link:

Speaker Time Topic Version

Hello Everyone!

Today’s demo will be recorded via Google Meet and later uploaded to YouTube for your convenience.

Join us on Google Meet for an interactive experience: Google Meet


Community Demo #144 Now Available on YouTube!

Watch the recording here: YouTube link .

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