Foreman Community Demo Items - 31st March 2016

Hi all!

Demo time again[1]! It's been quiet recently, so please do add yourself if
you've got anything fun to show the community - with the RCs of both
Foreman 1.11 and Katello 3.0 in full swing, I expect there's a lot of bug
fixing going on, but… you must have something :slight_smile: Dig deep, people!

As ever, the usual Redmine query is available if you want to see what's
been closed since the last demo[2]. Please add demo items following the
instructions on the agenda page [3].

Current Sprint Information - Foreman


··· -- Greg IRC: gwmngilfen

Reminder, this is tomorrow. So far, nothing has been added beyond my usual
5min of stats and intro. If nothing is added by tomorrow mid-morning, we'll
have to cancel…