Foreman Community Demo Items - Thu 25 Aug

Hi all

Astute observers will note that this should be tomorrow - however, as I was
on vacation, this 1-week reminder didn't go out. It seemed unfair to drop an
unannounced demo on everyone, so I've pushed it back a week. The new date is
25th August, usual time.

So, with that said, it's time to start thinking and preparing items that have
been completed since the last demo on 28th Apr. There is a query that will show
you items completed (i.e. marked as closed) since the last demo [2]. Please add
demo items following the instructions on the agenda page [3].

If you can't be present but have something to show, add it to the agenda and
let me know - I'll be happy to talk about the feature in your absence. Please
do leave me enough time to familiarize myself with the content though :slight_smile:

[3] Current Sprint Information - Foreman


ยทยทยท -- Greg IRC: gwmngilfen

Reminder, this will be in two days - as of now, we have just 2 presenters,
so plenty of room for more :slight_smile:
