Foreman Community Demo Items - Thu 29 Mar 3pm [GMT]

Hi all,

Demo time! As always, have a think for items which have been completed since
the last demo on 2018-03-08. There is a query that will show you items
completed (i.e. marked as closed) since the last demo [2]. Please add demo
items following the instructions on the agenda page [3].

If you can’t be present but have something to show, add it to the
agenda and let me know - I’ll be happy to talk about the feature in your
absence. Please do leave me enough time to familiarize myself with the content
though :slight_smile:

[3] Current Sprint Information - Foreman

This topic was automatically closed 2 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

This demo had improvements to audits, custom notifications, templates in the API, multiple queues in Dynflow, changes in logging and “out of sync” changes.

Sections in the demo:

As always you can ask questions here in the comments, or on the Discourse forum, or in our IRC channel - presenter IRC names are in the notes above!

IRC: Freenode/#theforeman
Twitter: @ForemanProject