[Foreman] foreman-maintain backup fails


foreman-maintain backup offline fails backup-online-safety-confirmation

]# foreman-maintain backup offline --assumeyes --include-db-dumps /dumps/katello_backups
Starting backup: 2020-12-21 12:07:50 -0600
Running preparation steps required to run the next scenarios
Make sure Foreman DB is up:
/ Checking connection to the Foreman DB                               [OK]
Make sure Candlepin DB is up:
- Checking connection to the Candlepin DB                             [OK]
Make sure Pulpcore DB is up:
\ Checking connection to the Pulpcore DB                              [OK]
Make sure Mongo DB is up:
\ Checking connection to the Mongo DB                                 [OK]
Checks whether the tools for Mongo DB are installed:                  [OK]

Running Backup
Data consistency warning:                                             [FAIL]
wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)
Scenario [Backup] failed.

The following steps ended up in failing state:


Resolve the failed steps and rerun
the command. In case the failures are false positives,
use --whitelist="backup-online-safety-confirmation"

Running Failed backup cleanup
Start applicable services:

Starting the following service(s):
rh-mongodb34-mongod, rh-redis5-redis, postgresql, pulpcore-api, pulpcore-content, pulpcore-resource-manager, qdrouterd, qpidd, rh-redis5-redis, squid, pulp_celerybeat, pulp_resource_manager, pulp_streamer, pulp_workers, pulpcore-worker@*, smart_proxy_dynflow_core, tomcat, dynflow-sidekiq@orchestrator, foreman, httpd, puppetserver, dynflow-sidekiq@worker, dynflow-sidekiq@worker-hosts-queue, foreman-proxy
- All services started                                                [OK]
re-enable sync plans:
\ Total 0 sync plans are now enabled.                                 [OK]
Remove maintenance_mode chain from iptables:                          [OK]
Clean up backup directory:                                            [OK]

Done with backup: 2020-12-21 12:07:54 -0600
Backup didn't finish. Incomplete backup was removed.

Expected outcome:

Successful backup

Foreman and Proxy versions:


Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

|foreman-tasks|The goal of this plugin is to unify the way of showing task statuses across the Foreman instance. It defines Task model for keeping the information about the tasks and Lock for assigning the tasks to resources. The locking allows dealing with preventing multiple colliding tasks to be run on the same resource. It also optionally provides Dynflow infrastructure for using it for managing the tasks.|Ivan NeÄŤas|3.0.1|
|foreman_openscap|Foreman plug-in for managing security compliance reports|slukasik@redhat.com|4.0.4|
|foreman_remote_execution|A plugin bringing remote execution to the Foreman, completing the config management functionality with remote management functionality.|Foreman Remote Execution team|4.1.0|
|foreman_setup|Plugin for Foreman that helps set up provisioning.|Dominic Cleal|7.0.0|
|katello|Katello adds Content and Subscription Management to Foreman. For this it relies on Candlepin and Pulp.|N/A|3.17.1|
|puppetdb_foreman|Disable hosts on PuppetDB after they are deleted or built in Foreman. Follow https://github.com/theforeman/puppetdb_foreman and raise an issue/submit a pull request if you need extra functionality. You can also find some help in #theforeman IRC channel on Freenode.|Daniel Lobato Garcia|5.0.0|

Distribution and version:

CentOS 7.9

Other relevant data:
foreman-maintain log entry

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite-capsule' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite-capsule is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'capsule-installer' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package capsule-installer is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite-capsule' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite-capsule is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'capsule-installer' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package capsule-installer is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:47-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite-capsule' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite-capsule is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'capsule-installer' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package capsule-installer is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'httpd' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'candlepin' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite-capsule' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite-capsule is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'capsule-installer' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package capsule-installer is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'foreman' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'foreman-dynflow-sidekiq' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'foreman' --queryformat="%{VERSION}" with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'foreman' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'tfm-rubygem-foreman_remote_execution-cockpit' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package tfm-rubygem-foreman_remote_execution-cockpit is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'tfm-rubygem-foreman_openscap' --queryformat="%{VERSION}" with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'foreman-proxy' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'foreman' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'ruby193-rubygem-foreman-tasks' --queryformat="%{VERSION}" with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package ruby193-rubygem-foreman-tasks is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'tfm-rubygem-foreman-tasks' --queryformat="%{VERSION}" with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'gofer' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package gofer is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'rubygem-hammer_cli' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package rubygem-hammer_cli is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'tfm-rubygem-hammer_cli' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'foreman-installer' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'foreman-installer' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'katello' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:48-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'pulp-server' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulpcore-api 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulpcore-api 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'puppet-server' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package puppet-server is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'puppetserver' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'foreman' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'rh-redis5-redis' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite-capsule' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite-capsule is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'capsule-installer' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package capsule-installer is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite-capsule' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite-capsule is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'capsule-installer' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package capsule-installer is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'foreman' --queryformat="%{VERSION}" with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'foreman' --queryformat="%{VERSION}" with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite-capsule' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite-capsule is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'capsule-installer' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package capsule-installer is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command which passenger-recycler with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:49-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite-capsule' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite-capsule is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'capsule-installer' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package capsule-installer is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite-capsule' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite-capsule is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'capsule-installer' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package capsule-installer is not installed
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : Running foreman-maintain command with arguments [["backup", "offline", "--assumeyes", "--include-db-dumps", "/dumps/katello_backups"]]
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command hostname -f with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command hostname -f with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:50-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : === Scenario 'preparation steps required to run the next scenarios' started ===
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Make sure Foreman DB is up' [foreman-db-up] started ---
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command PGPASSWORD='[FILTERED]' psql -h localhost  -p 5432 -U foreman -d foreman with stdin "SELECT 1 as ping"
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
(1 row)
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Make sure Foreman DB is up' finished ---
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Make sure Candlepin DB is up' [candlepin-db-up] started ---
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command PGPASSWORD='[FILTERED]' psql -h localhost  -p 5432 -U candlepin -d candlepin with stdin "SELECT 1 as ping"
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
(1 row)
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Make sure Candlepin DB is up' finished ---
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Make sure Pulpcore DB is up' [pulpcore-db-up] started ---
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command PGPASSWORD='[FILTERED]' psql -h localhost  -p 5432 -U pulp -d pulpcore with stdin "SELECT 1 as ping"
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
(1 row)
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Make sure Pulpcore DB is up' finished ---
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Make sure Mongo DB is up' [mongo-db-up] started ---
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'mongodb-server' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package mongodb-server is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:51-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'mongodb' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package mongodb is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'rh-mongodb34-mongodb-server' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'rh-mongodb34-mongodb' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command scl enable rh-mongodb34 -- mongo --host localhost --port 27017 --eval 'db.version()' pulp_database with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 MongoDB shell version v3.4.9
connecting to: mongodb://localhost:27017/pulp_database
MongoDB server version: 3.4.9
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'rh-mongodb34-mongodb' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Mongo 3.4.9 detected, using commands from rh-mongodb34 SCL
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command scl enable rh-mongodb34 -- mongo --host localhost --port 27017 --eval 'ping:1' pulp_database with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 MongoDB shell version v3.4.9
connecting to: mongodb://localhost:27017/pulp_database
MongoDB server version: 3.4.9
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command hostname -f with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command hostname -f with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Make sure Mongo DB is up' finished ---
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Checks whether the tools for Mongo DB are installed' [mongo-tools-installed] started ---
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command scl enable rh-mongodb34 -- mongo --host localhost --port 27017 --eval 'db.version()' pulp_database with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 MongoDB shell version v3.4.9
connecting to: mongodb://localhost:27017/pulp_database
MongoDB server version: 3.4.9
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'rh-mongodb34-mongo-tools' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Checks whether the tools for Mongo DB are installed' finished ---
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : === Scenario 'preparation steps required to run the next scenarios' finished ===
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : === Scenario 'Backup' started ===
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Data consistency warning' [backup-online-safety-confirmation] started ---
E, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] ERROR -- : wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) (ArgumentError)
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/reporter/cli_reporter.rb:189:in `ask_decision'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/definitions/procedures/backup/online/safety_confirmation.rb:11:in `run'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/executable.rb:139:in `__run__'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/runner/execution.rb:83:in `block (2 levels) in run'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/runner/execution.rb:107:in `capture_errors'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/runner/execution.rb:82:in `block in run'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/runner/execution.rb:101:in `with_metadata_calculation'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/runner/execution.rb:81:in `run'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/runner.rb:124:in `run_step'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/runner.rb:113:in `run_steps'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/runner.rb:106:in `execute_scenario_steps'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/runner.rb:51:in `run_scenario'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/runner.rb:33:in `block in run'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/runner.rb:32:in `each'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/runner.rb:32:in `run'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/cli/base.rb:64:in `run_scenario'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/cli/backup_command.rb:25:in `perform_backup'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/cli/backup_command.rb:125:in `execute'
/usr/share/gems/gems/clamp-1.1.2/lib/clamp/command.rb:63:in `run'
/usr/share/gems/gems/clamp-1.1.2/lib/clamp/subcommand/execution.rb:11:in `execute'
/usr/share/gems/gems/clamp-1.1.2/lib/clamp/command.rb:63:in `run'
/usr/share/gems/gems/clamp-1.1.2/lib/clamp/subcommand/execution.rb:11:in `execute'
/usr/share/gems/gems/clamp-1.1.2/lib/clamp/command.rb:63:in `run'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/lib/foreman_maintain/cli.rb:43:in `run'
/usr/share/gems/gems/clamp-1.1.2/lib/clamp/command.rb:132:in `run'
/usr/share/gems/gems/foreman_maintain-0.7.1/bin/foreman-maintain:15:in `<top (required)>'
/bin/foreman-maintain:23:in `load'
/bin/foreman-maintain:23:in `<main>'
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Data consistency warning' finished ---
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : === Scenario 'Backup' finished ===
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:52-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : === Rescue scenario found. Executing ===
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : === Scenario 'Failed backup cleanup' started ===
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Start applicable services' [service-start] started ---
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled foreman with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command hostname -f with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'puppetserver' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled rh-mongodb34-mongod 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled rh-redis5-redis 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled postgresql 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulpcore-api 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulpcore-content 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulpcore-resource-manager 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled qdrouterd 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled qpidd 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled rh-redis5-redis 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled squid 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulp_celerybeat 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulp_resource_manager 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulp_streamer 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulp_workers 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulpcore-worker@* 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled smart_proxy_dynflow_core 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled tomcat 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled tomcat6 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 Failed to get unit file state for tomcat6.service: No such file or directory
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled dynflow-sidekiq@orchestrator 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled elasticsearch 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 Failed to get unit file state for elasticsearch.service: No such file or directory
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled foreman 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled httpd 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled puppetserver 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled dynflow-sidekiq@worker 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled dynflow-sidekiq@worker-hosts-queue 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled foreman-proxy 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite-capsule' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package satellite-capsule is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'capsule-installer' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 package capsule-installer is not installed
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled foreman with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command hostname -f with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'puppetserver' with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled rh-mongodb34-mongod 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled rh-redis5-redis 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled postgresql 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulpcore-api 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulpcore-content 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulpcore-resource-manager 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled qdrouterd 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled qpidd 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled rh-redis5-redis 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled squid 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulp_celerybeat 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulp_resource_manager 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulp_streamer 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulp_workers 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled pulpcore-worker@* 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled smart_proxy_dynflow_core 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled tomcat 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled tomcat6 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 Failed to get unit file state for tomcat6.service: No such file or directory
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled dynflow-sidekiq@orchestrator 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled elasticsearch 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 Failed to get unit file state for elasticsearch.service: No such file or directory
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled foreman 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled httpd 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled puppetserver 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled dynflow-sidekiq@worker 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled dynflow-sidekiq@worker-hosts-queue 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl is-enabled foreman-proxy 2>&1 | tail -1 with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start rh-mongodb34-mongod with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start rh-redis5-redis with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start postgresql with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start pulpcore-api with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start pulpcore-content with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start pulpcore-resource-manager with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start qdrouterd with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start qpidd with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start rh-redis5-redis with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start squid with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start pulp_celerybeat with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start pulp_resource_manager with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start pulp_streamer with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start pulp_workers with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start pulpcore-worker@* --all with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start smart_proxy_dynflow_core with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start tomcat with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start dynflow-sidekiq@orchestrator with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start foreman with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start httpd with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start puppetserver with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start dynflow-sidekiq@worker with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start dynflow-sidekiq@worker-hosts-queue with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command systemctl start foreman-proxy with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:

I, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Start applicable services' finished ---
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 're-enable sync plans' [sync-plans-enable] started ---
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 're-enable sync plans' finished ---
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Remove maintenance_mode chain from iptables' [iptables-remove-maintenance-mode-chain] started ---
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : Running command iptables -L FOREMAN_MAINTAIN with stdin nil
D, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
 iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Remove maintenance_mode chain from iptables' finished ---
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Clean up backup directory' [backup-clean] started ---
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : Backup directory /dumps/katello_backups/katello-backup-2020-12-21-12-07-50 was removed.
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Clean up backup directory' finished ---
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : === Scenario 'Failed backup cleanup' finished ===
I, [2020-12-21 12:07:54-0600 #5592]  INFO -- : foreman-maintain command finished with
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Ran into this issue myself - foreman-maintain backup offline/online sees to fail on the same spot:

# foreman-maintain backup online /var/foreman-backup/migration_backup/
Running Backup
Data consistency warning:                                             [FAIL]
wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)
Scenario [Backup] failed.

Distribution and version:

$ rpm -qa | grep foreman-release

I was able to work around this by using pg_dump as the postgres user:

pg_dump -Fc foreman > /var/foreman-backup/migration_backup/foreman.dump
pg_dump -Fc candlepin > /var/foreman-backup/migration_backup/candlepin.dump

This should be possible via mongo cli as well (note - haven’t tested this fully, unsure of actual results):

mongodump --db local --out=/var/foreman-backup/migration_backup/

Interestingly I got quite a few errors on the foreman dump, but on a restore to an external db seemed to work just fine. Hopefully someone will let us know if we’re doing something wrong, in the meantime I’ve submitted a bug to bugzilla.

I found the issue, I’ll get a PR in for it soon. I closed the BZ since it’s an upstream issue rather than a Satellite issue. The new issue is here Bug #31575: Online backup and offline backup with --include-db-dumps fails - Foreman Maintain - Foreman

Pull request: https://github.com/theforeman/foreman_maintain/pull/434

For a workaround, you can apply my PR as a patch to foreman-maintain.