Foreman LinuxDays 2015 recap


last weekend I attended LinuxDays at CVUT Prague presenting "Foreman in
your datacenter" slide deck. The conference was well-organized, we had a
Fedora booth in the lobby as well were folks presented wonderful
Beginning Fedora guide and version 22 DVDs.

I estimate about hundred people in the audience from which only five
used/evaluated Foreman already. I gave them general overview of the
system and showed two demos with emphasis on provisioning, discovery,
bootdisk and Salt integration (installed wordpress with Salt).

After the talk, about twenty hands raised on my question who is
interesting in trying out Foreman and our IRC activity confirms that.
Welcome to the community guys, if you read this!

The recording is available (in Czech):

Slides are published at our Intro page:

You can download in ODT format from SlideShare if you want to modify.

··· -- Later, Lukas #lzap Zapletal

Awesome, thanks for sharing Lukas! Great to hear how many people were
interested enough to try us out.

Conference reports are very welcome, so I encourage anyone attending
events where Foreman comes up to tell us about them :slight_smile:


··· -- Greg IRC: gwmngilfen

> Conference reports are very welcome, so I encourage anyone attending
> events where Foreman comes up to tell us about them :slight_smile:

One additional note, there was awesome talk about Katello and Puppet
which I missed as I was attending only on Sunday.

And couple of Ansible talks as well :slight_smile:

··· -- Later, Lukas #lzap Zapletal