Foreman mail delivery with tls


Does anyone know if it's possible to configure Foreman to send e-mail over tls? We have a MS Exchange server that only accepts mail delivery with authentication over tls.

Thank you,

Tiago Bizerra de Lima
Infraestrutura de TI
Confederação Sicredi - Porto Alegre
Fone: (51) 3358-7188<>

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Check these links for info about authentication. It looks like enabling
the enable_starttls_auto option should opportunistically start TLS too.

··· -- Dominic Cleal Red Hat Engineering

On 12/03/15 18:58, Tiago Bizerra de Lima wrote:


Does anyone know if it’s possible to configure Foreman to send
e-mail over tls? We have a MS Exchange server that only accepts mail
delivery with authentication over tls.

Thank you,

Tiago Bizerra de Lima

Infraestrutura de TI

Confederação Sicredi - Porto Alegre

Fone: (51) 3358-7188

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