I tried to build a Centos8 Stream based discovery image for aarch64 on an RHEL8 aarch64 machine with the Foreman discovery image github. After a few fixes, the VM starts, and anaconda starts. However, it fails with:
Non interactive installation failed: Problems in request:#012missing groups or modules: foreman:el8
. Without the line module --name=foreman --stream=el8 in the kickstart file, it fails due to missing packages: Non interactive installation failed: Problems in request:#012missing packages: biosdevname, foreman-discovery-image-service, foreman-discovery-image-service-tui, memtest86+, rubygem-facter
. Is there another foreman module/repo for aarch86 rhel8?
Expected outcome:
Installed foreman-discovery-image-service, foreman-discovery-image-service-tui
during the build of a discovery image
Distribution and version:
System: RHEL8.8 aarch64
Other relevant data:
Foreman-discovery-image master
commit 3229c470bbd9aaca099fb1abc2a68f31046d3f43