Foreman nightly Plugins DEB Test pipeline failed:
foreman-pipeline-plugins-deb-nightly (failed) (remote job)
Foreman nightly Plugins DEB Test pipeline failed:
foreman-pipeline-plugins-deb-nightly (failed) (remote job)
This looks like an infra issue:
[2024-09-13T11:00:25.485Z] fatal: [pipe-up-plugins-nightly-ubuntu2204]: UNREACHABLE! => changed=false
[2024-09-13T11:00:25.485Z] msg: |-
[2024-09-13T11:00:25.485Z] Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Connection timed out during banner exchange
[2024-09-13T11:00:25.486Z] Connection to port 22 timed out
[2024-09-13T11:00:25.486Z] unreachable: true
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