Foreman recommendations

I am interested in how people are using Foreman:

1> How are people securing the transfer of puppet reports from the
puppet master to Foreman. Especially if Foreman and Puppet master are
on separate hosts. Do you modify the foreman-reports.rb file on the
puppet master?

2> Similarly, if you are using a cron job to import Inventory info
from puppet to foreman, how do you secure that transfer?

3> Are people using puppet store configs with Foreman? Do you face any
issues with a large fleet? Do you recommend it?

Thank you,

Our DB is on the same host as the puppetmaster and foreman, so I don't think
questions 1 or 2 apply to us.

As for question 3, yes, we are using storedconfigs with Foreman. We have
just under 500 hosts that are puppet/foreman managed. I'm not sure if that
qualifies as a "large fleet"…

We do not use exported resources - that would no doubt change the dynamics
of the setup - but what we have all works very well :slight_smile:

Thanks again to Paul and Ohad for foreman!

··· On 13 July 2011 04:04, Ash wrote:

I am interested in how people are using Foreman:

1> How are people securing the transfer of puppet reports from the
puppet master to Foreman. Especially if Foreman and Puppet master are
on separate hosts. Do you modify the foreman-reports.rb file on the
puppet master?

2> Similarly, if you are using a cron job to import Inventory info
from puppet to foreman, how do you secure that transfer?

3> Are people using puppet store configs with Foreman? Do you face any
issues with a large fleet? Do you recommend it?

Thank you,

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