Foreman + Redis Sentinel

Question: I am trying to determine if it’s possible to setup foreman cache and dynflow workers to connect to redis sentinel so we can have some kind of redundancy / failover options when running multiple instances of Foreman. The module doesn’t seem to support it as far as I can tell, but I am curious if anyone has tried and if there is a way to implement this, or if there are any other suggestions for a way to setup an HA queue for the workers.

Follow-up question / comment. It doesn’t look like Foreman 3.x uses the redis_url option from the settings anymore, and hard codes a value for DYNFLOW_REDIS_URL in the systemd unit?

The default config lays down

:redis_url: redis://localhost:6379/6

but the systemd configs have an env set


And as it starts up, it connects to the db specified in the ENV var vs. what’s configured in the settings…

Booting Sidekiq 5.2.7 with redis options {:id=>“Sidekiq-server-PID-22195”, :url=>“redis://localhost:6379/0”}

I’m not sure how I’m supposed to override or set a custom URL for this (if I want to setup separate instances, or secure them, etc.)