Foreman_scc_manager error on sync

2017-11-19 10:09:02 c4bc264b [app] [I] Started GET
"/javascripts/foreman_scc_manager/scc_accounts.js" for at 2017-11-19 10:09:02 +0100
2017-11-19 10:09:02 c4bc264b [app] [F]
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET]
lib/middleware/tagged_logging.rb:18:in `call'

anyone with a soilution to this?

i add an account in the subscription page and try to sync for the first time...
ok i was using the wrong credentials. so this works now.

··· Am Sonntag, 19. November 2017 10:10:08 UTC+1 schrieb Christian Setzer:

2017-11-19 10:09:02 c4bc264b [app] [I] Started GET
"/javascripts/foreman_scc_manager/scc_accounts.js" for at
2017-11-19 10:09:02 +0100
2017-11-19 10:09:02 c4bc264b [app] [F]
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET]
lib/middleware/tagged_logging.rb:18:in `call'

anyone with a soilution to this?

i add an account in the subscription page and try to sync for the first

sadly i dont have any screenshots or the error message anymore. there were so many errors i ran into installing this plugin but mostly because of my inexperience in installing plugins without a rpm package with foreman.

for example nobody told me that i have to exit the scl enable tfm bash shell when running foreman-installer again... :D nasty errors came up there hehe.
that cost me nearly a day and i started over from scratch in the mean time.

now the plugin is working more or less. i had to restore backup when i was running out of space with the repos sync. then none of the tasks were working correctly anymore after i increased filesystem size. something you may want to look into.

the problem im now having is that i need the katello agent and subscription manager packages for suse SLES11 and 12. without that and i say im not a developer i cannot really continue implementing this.

··· Am Sonntag, 19. November 2017 10:10:08 UTC+1 schrieb Christian Setzer:

2017-11-19 10:09:02 c4bc264b [app] [I] Started GET
"/javascripts/foreman_scc_manager/scc_accounts.js" for at
2017-11-19 10:09:02 +0100
2017-11-19 10:09:02 c4bc264b [app] [F]
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET]
lib/middleware/tagged_logging.rb:18:in `call'

anyone with a soilution to this?

i add an account in the subscription page and try to sync for the first

i wanted to add that a former colleague of mine has pachted the packages for katello 3.3 but so many changes were made since then that i cannot use his patches.
if i contribute those to the devs are you able to make this for all new releases?

··· Am Sonntag, 19. November 2017 10:10:08 UTC+1 schrieb Christian Setzer:

2017-11-19 10:09:02 c4bc264b [app] [I] Started GET
"/javascripts/foreman_scc_manager/scc_accounts.js" for at
2017-11-19 10:09:02 +0100
2017-11-19 10:09:02 c4bc264b [app] [F]
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET]
lib/middleware/tagged_logging.rb:18:in `call'

anyone with a soilution to this?

i add an account in the subscription page and try to sync for the first