Foreman SmartProxy & RemoteExecutionSSH plugin - Installation from Source


Has anyone install Foreman SmartProxy and Remote Execution SSH plugin from source?
What is the correct procedure here. Can someone share the commands?

Expected outcome:
Foreman smart proxy works on OpenSuse 15.6.
Foreman and Proxy versions:

Distribution and version:
Open Suse 15.6

While it is technically possible, Foreman (and smart proxies) officially supports running on EL* and derivatives or on debian or ubuntu. If you include katello into the mix, the support matrix shrinks to just EL* and derivatives. If you want to run it on something else, you can, but you’ll be mostly on your own.

Is there a reason why you need it to run on suse instead of any of the supported platforms?

Yes, I want to run on Suse because our all servers are running on Suse :frowning:
And it’s about regular Foreman. Not Katello.