Foreman SSH Provision


How i can add in provision template ssh connect to builded host?

I'm afraid the question isn't very clear, so let me try two possible answers.

If you mean "How do I use an SSH script to configure a host I built
separately from Foreman?" then the answer is that you can't easily do
this today. Your best bet is to render the template for this host
(Host page > Templates tab > Review the appropriate template) and then
copy the rendered script over to the host and execute it by hand.

If you mean "How do I get Foreman to run commands via SSH on a host
Foreman has built for me" then in general, that should happen
automatically. If this is the case, please provide more details on
what you're tryin got do and what's not working.

··· On 7 October 2015 at 12:32, wrote: > Hello. > > How i can add in provision template ssh connect to builded host?


Hi There

I would like to recomend you use the remote execution plugin to archive
what you want Foreman :: Plugin Manuals
with this plugin you can execute any kind of script in a remote host mean
you can provision and existing host via you own script, also if you want to
provisioning a host via template for example in vmware

1.- Create a template from a vm
2.- Add the new image template into the compute resources
3.-Use the user data template and adapt to you necesites
4.- Create the new host based in image


··· On Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at 10:32:28 PM UTC+11, wrote: > > Hello. > > How i can add in provision template ssh connect to builded host? >