Foreman vs ISC DHCPd on Debian

Foreman proxy hangs trying to use omshell to configure new leases. Problem seems to be in the
Expected outcome:
Working new leases
Foreman and Proxy versions:
3.7.1 both
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version:
Debian Bullseye
Other relevant data:
Maybe kea is the way. While not all features are usable in the free version there is a working API.

Can you provide some context, like the commands that are sent and hanging? Without logs it’s hard to say what’s going on.

In Proxylog I find:

2024-02-12T17:15:34 16f4e2e7 [I] Started POST /dhcp/
2024-02-12T17:15:34 16f4e2e7 [I] Next-server option not IPv4, trying to resolve
2024-02-12T17:15:34 16f4e2e7 [E] Omshell failed: omshell= > > > dhcpctl_connect: no more
omshell= > not connected.
omshell= > no open object.
omshell= > no open object.
omshell= > no open object.
omshell= > no open object.
omshell= > no open object.
omshell= > not connected.
omshell= >

DHCP Server is running

I try to create a new vm which needs a new DHCP-Lease Reservation.