Hey, all. I’m still having install issues and in honesty It’s getting deeply frustrating.
So I scrapped the idea of running on Amazon Linux 2 because it was a giant mess. Instead I spun up a RHEL7 box using this AMI. It seems to be a fully featured Redhat 7 system.
And the install started well, following the procedures outlined here. Basic katello install plus foreman scenario.
All went pretty well till I hit “yum -y install foreman-release-scl python-django” which came up with like forty unmet dependencies. Seeing that something was clearly wrong (for eample wget was among the dependencies that yum could not meet) I checked the repos and found the ore repos for that server were disbled. I enabled them and that bit ran fine.
As expected, “yum install katello” gave me more unmet dependencies:
- Requires: rubygem(rake) >= 0.8.3
- Requires: python-blinker
- Requires: python-twisted-core
- Requires: python-twisted-web
I had to install those from rpm using the CentOS 7 versions (there are no Redhat versions that I saw). They installed fine (though I needed a few other packages like flask and itsdangerous, etc).
And the install went ahead clean. However “foreman-installer --scenario katello” threw a lot of errors. I can recreate these, but they’re not a whole lot different than the errors from the amazon linux install.
I’m starting to wonder if the rpm installs are working okay and being seen as dependencies, but are not operating as they should during the install process. Anyone have any insights? I was really hoping that the RHEL install would be clean but that doesn’t seem to be the case.