Get extra facts from Foreman discovery image?


I have a simple question. Right now, I can see all the facts related to my systems from Foreman and I can also fetch those facts using the provided API. There are numerous facts, but one of the information that I really need is controller information. I work with a lot of different serves which have different controllers for storage solutions.
I was wondering if there is any way to get information about controllers through foreman (maybe discovery image can be customized to achieve it).

Thank you for your time!

Does anyone have any information or insight on this. Really looking for some help here! Any direction would be highly appreciated.

Hi, FDI should support some custom extensions, see.
Chapter 5 of

Maybe it could be used together with something like this?

Just make some script that will read controller informations directly on FDI. In this way, we create few additional informations about our hotspots during provisioning, because by default FDI does not read some data, however, its operation can be extended and it will produce additional facts that are then visible in Foreman along with those that are read by default.