Getting issue in integrating this plugin template with the foreman

We’re getting issue in integrating this plugin template with the foreman. We added plugin in /usr/share/foreman/plugins directory and added gem and it’s path in /usr/share/foreman/bundler.d/Gemfile.local.rb. We did bundle install, foreman-rake db:migrate and foreman-rake db:seed

Also we did gem build in plugin directory and gem install plugin_name-0.0.1.gem
plugin template sub-menu is showing in menu item in foreman bt getting no result when we click on welcome page. Also when i click on new action it shows The page you were looking for doesn’t exist. also i’m getting UI issues in foreman.

I’m attaching screenshots for reference.
plugin_template_url : GitHub - theforeman/foreman_plugin_template: Template for creating new plugins

Sorry for the late reply, have you checked