Hammer authentication : does it support redhat sso?

Does hammer support RH SSO authentication method ?

In 3.5+ it does, @Marek_Hulan or @ofedoren will have more details.

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Here you can find more information: Foreman :: Manual


I just have tried the

hammer -v auth login oauth --two-factor --oidc-token-endpoint … command

(I need to use an http proxy - I don’t know to tell hammer to use a proxy for than in the command line - so I didn’t).

The command issued the error :
“Can’t perform login. Make sure sessions are enabled in hammer configuration file.”

I have added the files to /etc/hammer/cli_config.yml file :

:use_sessions: true

Same error. Not really verbose output.

Any tip please ?

Hello @jfwl,

-v flag is not so useful for debugging purposes, could you attach command’s output, but with -d flag?

Also, in hammer you can specify the server to make calls to either in ~/.hammer/cli.modules.d/foreman.yml config file or specifying -s <fqdn> option.

As for now, it still seems like wrong config file since hammer can’t fetch use_sessions: true.

Could you please add this into a different config file? In your case I guess it should land in /etc/hammer/cli.modules.d/foreman.yml. Also, please be aware that this is YAML formatted file, thus the spaces must follow specifications:

  :use_sessions: true

EDIT: I should have mentioned this earlier, but when pasting debug output, please verify that no internal/private information is shared for you own good.

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Thank you . It worked.
It aks me for a code now :

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Since I’m able to get the code and enter it.
The problem is that after I entered the code, hammer try to contact oidc-token-endpoint and oidc-authorization-endpoint,using https
The problem (I’ve checked using tcpdump) that even if the variable https_proxy is set, hammer tries to directly connect to thoses URL.
And because I need to tell hammer to use a proxy to do so hammer failed.
Any idea please ?

Thank you to have a look @ofedoren

Hello !