Hello from the new Community Manager

Hi everyone,

As of April 1, I became Community Manager both for the Foreman and Pulp communities. Over the last few days, I have been finding my way around and would like to take a few minutes to introduce myself.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://theforeman.org/2020/04/starting-as-community-manager.html



Great to have you as Community Manager, I firmly believe we will be in good hands. Not to say we have ever not been so, but having a dedicated one again is great and something not all community are lucky enough to have.


Congrats on getting the role, @mcorr! You’re going to be great! I’m super-proud of this community, and you should all be proud of yourselves too - it’s great to see a new face taking on the role of tending to it.

For those who might be wondering, Melanie & I are doing a fair amount of behind-the-scenes chat, so she’s not being left to figure all this out by herself. However, you can all help too! As she suggests, get in touch and say hi - the simple act of an introduction is more impactful that you might realise.